Tierra Iubi. Mar de Iubira…

La mar de ideas. Cuentos y poemas del Delta, la Duna y el Páramo

Dear Mary Poppins

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Dear Mary  Poppins,

I’m a suffering Mother who needs you, once again.
I know your life isn’t  become easy, nowadays. Your umbrella parrot cant’ fly as properly as  ever did, and loads of children around the world,  prefer groups of bizarre teen wizards, stumping robots, vampires and wherevolves instead of you.

Shame on Parents! They doesen’t even remember how nice your smile look like, or how sweet was for them to share their lives with you, old fellow Peter Pan, or little Alice. (By  the way, as you might know, sweet Alice became recently a quite of a shrink exercice by poor Mr Tim Burton, oh gosh!)

Now, you  all are sad and alone, no one wants a flying nurse. Not to mention a never grownup, selfish boy.  Today  is a matter of fact that Nurses fly by themselves  away  from home  and children become adults near 40!.

Oh Mrs Poppins! Everybody seems to be really akward.  The worst is that Weather is becoming really mad too. Please, please, please, dear Mary !. Everything is upside -down here at Earth .
I miss  you, dear Mrs. Poppins. I ‘m positively sure that you are alive, healthy and ready to work again and again!.

The International  Association of  Parents Damaged by Clima Changes (IAPDCC) loves you. We want you back .  Come  into our homes, take care of our children and pets, give us a walk on the roofs and please,  fix this silly barometric strike!!!.  Dear Mrs Poppins,  No more (fkngham) pressure changes. It’s a matter of wet or alive.
Warm Regards ,

Iubira Once del Delta,

Autor: iubionce

Ser humano. Me repugnan los encurtidos y los deportes de riesgo. Escribo desde que puedo recordar. Vivo

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